28. #BeyondLabels – Redefining Mental Health

Have you ever wondered how to best approach conversations about mental health?

In this episode, we chat to Georgia and Amanda from the Going Loco podcast. The pair take a light-hearted look at people facing mental health challenges to break down stigmas and barriers, through humour.

In this chat packed full of banter we talk about deaths of loved ones and mental health challenges, and how the two can often go hand-in-hand. The ladies both have lived experiences and share some useful tips to approaching someone who might be struggling.

What has been the most useful thing someone has ever said to you following a mental health challenge or the passing of a loved one? I’d love to continue the conversation over at @hashtag_death

Trigger warning: This episode covers topics including death, and death by suicide.

In this episode we cover:

  • Assumptions around mental health
  • Misconceptions about what people with mental health challenges look like
  • Casual use of mental health terms
  • Bipolar being a genetic condition
  • Late diagnosis in life
  • Comparing yourself to others
  • Traumatic events being a catalyst for manic episodes
  • Getting better at handling mental illness and reading the signs
  • The rollercoaster of manic episodes
  • Dealing with family challenges
  • Sharing your story and being vulnerable
  • Addressing shame
  • Coping after loss of a loved one
  • Sharing trauma with others who have a similar experience
  • Nursing a loved one at home
  • Opening up conversations about mental health
  • Feeling safe enough to open up in authentic conversations.

Resources and links mentioned in this episode:

More about #Hashtag Death

There are two certainties in life, death and taxes.  Death may not come on the 30th of June, but it is something from which none of us is immune. So why not talk about it? Here at #Hashtag Death, we’re dying to talk!!

At birth, there are books, courses, midwives, celebrations. Most popular lists and blogs.

At the end of a life, it goes quiet. Where do you turn?

Meet the experts. #Hashtag Death – because conversations about death and dying SHOULD be trending!!


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